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A Mother's Plea

We need a virtual choice because we are still living during a pandemic. Just because we are over COVID, doesn't mean COVID is over.

On a more personal note, I have 3 children, ages 11, 8 and 3. My 8 year old currently has undiagnosed issues, perhaps asthma, perhaps more. But we don't know what is going on and COVID would be devastating to him. My 11 year old did AMAZING in his first year of middle school last year via virtual learning. Without the pressures of the classroom, he excelled, earning high honor roll 3 of 4 marking periods, honor roll for the other, and student of the month. All kids learn differently and virtually is one of those ways.

The Delta variant is now going after children. Both President Biden and Governor Murphy are shouting from the rooftops how this has become a pandemic among the unvaccinated. Why then are we not protecting the portion of the population who cannot be vaccinated by allowing virtual learning for those who can, making more room for social distancing for those who cannot learn in this manner? Our own superintendent has publicly stated on record that he doesn't understand why virtual will not be an option come fall.

Our children are being weaponized in a disgusting political game of chance and they will be the ones on the losing end. This pandemic has been stressful enough without adding politicians who are selfishly putting our children's health on the line, throwing them in the fire. WE NEED A VIRTUAL OPTION NOW!

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