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New Jersey Parents for Virtual Choice Demand Inclusion in Senate and Assembly Education Committees Hearing


February 6, 2024 — In a significant oversight, the Senate and Assembly Education Committees neglected to include the voices of concerned parents and students in their hearing on February 5, 2024. New Jersey Parents for Virtual Choice, a grassroots organization advocating for educational options, expresses deep disappointment at being excluded from a critical discussion impacting the future of our children's education.

Adding to the concerns is the fact that there was no five-workday notice provided, nor was an agenda made available to New Jersey Parents for Virtual Choice or the public. This lack of transparency raises questions about the integrity of the decision-making process and hinders the ability of parents to adequately prepare and participate in the discussion.

Despite the pressing issues at hand, the committees failed to engage with parents and students who support virtual education options. The hearing, which was supposed to address crucial matters related to education, only allowed for oppositional discussions, creating an imbalanced dialogue that does not represent the diverse perspectives within our community.

Furthermore, New Jersey Parents for Virtual Choice wishes to emphasize the importance of recognizing the challenges faced by the education sector, including the loss of teachers. As we navigate these challenges, it is crucial to acknowledge that we have already lost valuable educators, and it is imperative that we do not start losing students.

It is also crucial to note that New Jersey Parents for Virtual Choice does not represent in-person students who are being forced to engage in virtual instruction inside the classroom. Our focus is on advocating for options that respect the individual needs and preferences of students and their families.

As parents invested in the educational well-being of our children, we demand transparency and inclusion in discussions that directly impact their future. New Jersey Parents for Virtual Choice urges the Senate and Assembly Education Committees to rectify this oversight by scheduling a follow-up hearing that includes the valuable input of parents, students, and other stakeholders advocating for education choices.

Our organization remains committed to fostering an open and constructive dialogue on education policies that prioritize the best interests of our children. We call on the committees to recognize the importance of diverse perspectives and include the voices of those directly affected by their decisions.

For media inquiries, please contact: 

New Jersey Parents for Virtual Choice 

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